Friday, May 20, 2011

Graduation time of year

Last night was the sixth grade graduation. I went, mainly because Josh was the keynote speaker, but it was really exciting actually. I really liked watching them, all proud and ready to head on to high school. Their heads full of a million different dreams. Josh's speech was really good too. It was the usual... Set your goals high, be the best version of your self, stay off of drugs... all of the necessary stuff. I hope that they listened.

We have a Kindergarten graduation to go to tonight... It is going to be sad for me. I can not believe how big he is! These past 6 years have flown by. Look for graduation pics soon!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The rain...

This post is a little past due, but after tax season was over I climbed in bed and slept for about two weeks. I was begining to think it was time to build the ark with all the rain that we got. I wanted to show the picture of the crawdad that we found in the dog pen.

Kind of icky, huh?