Thursday, June 30, 2011

My week of vacation

Last week I was on vacation for the whole week. It went so badly, that it was taken me nearly another week just to write about it!

It started off good. I was planning on doing some things around the house and helping with vacation bible school in the evenings. On Tuesday night, I started getting these awful pains in my back and side. I was a little freaked out because it hurt so bad. We ended up going to the emergency room (I have never been to the ER before). They decided that it was kidney stones. Ouch. They gave me an IV with some meds and took some x-rays (I have never had an x-ray or an IV before). They said that it was small enough to pass, which I thought was a good thing. By this time it was about 3 am on Wednesday morning. The ER nurse, who was super nice, said to come back at 7:15 am for an ultrasound. They gave me more pain medicine and some anti-nausea medicine and sent me home. The pain meds were WAY to strong for me and the anti-nausea was not strong enough. The only two things that I remember about the drive home are the awful pain that I was in and puking every 5 minutes. We finally made it home and went to bed. In hindsight, we probably should have stayed up, since we were supposed to be right back at the hospital in a few hours, but we went to bed and all of the meds kicked in and we slept through the 7:15 am appointment. Josh woke up and realized this, but it was already missed and he had to get to work. By 8 am, the hospital was calling to reschedule for 10:30am.

We went to the ultra-sound and found out two things. 1) It looked like there was only one stone, and 2) I have really nice looking kidneys. they sent me home to tough it out. That afternoon, I busted my eye open, like, really bad. there was blood everywhere and I lost so much blood that I got dizzy and fell on my face again. this was about 3:30 pm on Wednesday. Josh was in Tulsa, so I had to sit on my bed and bleed until 5:30 when he got home. He bandaged me up with 3 butterfly bandages and said that I needed stitches. I was supposed to be at bible school at 5:30, so I told him it would have to wait a few hours for stitches. It hurt SO bad, but I made it though bible school and we headed for the ER... again. We went to a different ER than the night before, thinking it would be quick, but as luck would have it, they were busy. We waited a few hours and then left and went back to Stillwater. We got in pretty quickly, after watching a short version of the Jerry Springer Show Live in the ER waiting room. I really felt like an idiot going back, but the cut was bad and still bleeding some. We seen the ER nurse again and a few hours later, we were driving home with 8 stitches in my eye (I have never had stitches before). The next 2 days were spent trying to avoid anymore injuries.

In short, I feel like I need a day to recover from my vacation!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Garden

Over Memorial Day weekend, my sister and I planted a garden. Last year, we planted flowers along the edge of my patio. They were really pretty all summer, but this year, after comparing the beauty of last years flowers to the weekly farmers market bill that I had, I decided to go with a vegetable garden. I planted jalapenos, banana peppers, okra, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, green beans, and squash.

After we made it back to my house with all of the plants and supplies, I realized that we had more to plant this year than we did last year. So, my sister and I (really just my sister) extended my "garden." For most people, this would be no big deal, but my husband has put a LOT of money and sweat into making sure that our grass is pretty and soft. I don't think that he was too excited when he came home to see how much we had dug up! But I calmly explained to him that it was too late and to learn to deal with it:).

My garden is now starting to come up. It has not produced anything to eat yet, but I think it will start any day now. On to the new problem... BUGS. They are eating all of the leaves! I went to the garden section of the store last night and purchased a dusting agent that is supposed to get rid of the bugs. I will see in a day or two if it is working. I really hope it does work, it will be harder for my husband to live with the bare spot in the grass if there isn't any plants left!

Pictures coming soon!