Friday, August 31, 2012

First Football Game!!

Tonight is Jimmy's first football game! He isn't actually going to play, because he wasn't able to practice this week since he just transferred in. But he will get to suit up with the team and participate in the game day activities. He seemed excited when he was talking about it last night. He said that they were going to have a pep rally. He didn't even know what a pep rally was, so Josh gave him a crash course in pep rally tradition. I am really happy and excited for him that he is getting to be included in all of the American/Yale football traditions. I am also very thankful for the kids that are being so nice and welcoming. He told me that there was one boy that had been super nice to him, but Jimmy said it was hard for him to know what the boy was saying because the boy had more of an accent than Josh. :) But he seemed very happy that he was getting to know everyone in the school and everyone was being so nice. It seems like he is really starting to settle in well!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Melissa!!!

Today is my baby sister Melissa's 25 birthday!! It makes me feel really old! I mean, if she is 25 it means I am getting dangerously close to being an age that I used to consider old! I wanted to post a really embarrassing picture of her, and I even had one in mind, but it is at my moms house. It is from a few Christmas's ago (OK, several Christmas's ago) when Santa left her a new coat and she was "modeling" it... I am sure she would be over joyed for me to show it to everyone. :) Maybe I will find it this weekend and just post it late, but until then here is Conner, Josh, and I wishing Melissa a happy, happy, birthday!!



Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Day of School

Yesterday was Jimmy's first day of school. Josh took him to school so he wouldn't have to ride the bus the first day. He said that he was a little nervous about starting at a new school. We met with the counselor on Monday so that he could get his schedule set up and take a tour of the school.

Jimmy has decided to play football and possibly baseball. He went to his first practice yesterday and watched, since he hasn't had a physical yet. When school was over for the day, Jimmy went with Josh to a meeting and then Josh showed him around the fire house. Jimmy even got to sit in the big truck!

Jimmy said that it was a good day. He really enjoyed all of the classes and he said all of the kids was very friendly and helpful. He said that he met a lot of kids, but couldn't remember many names yet.

This weekend Jimmy will get to experience American football on overload. He will be going to the high school football game on Friday night and to OSU's football game on Saturday night. He will also get to spent some time on a tractor and feeding cattle. We also have many more people to introduce him too! It should be a fun filled weekend!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Fun Filled Weekend

I can't believe that it is already Monday... This was a super fast and exciting weekend. Saturday night we went to OKC to watch the range round up. The range round up is a rodeo that working ranch teams compete in. Guess who lives on a working ranch and was there to support her family and ranch hands? Ree Drummond! We were pretty sure that she would be there, so we took a camera and her book to have signed. Well, Kirsten took her book, I forgot mine so I just got the picture. She was so nice and didn't seemed annoyed at all the we stalked her out...

We returned home late Saturday night. We were originally going to stay the night in the city, but we came home because we had a big night to get ready for on Sunday. Jimmy arrived in Tulsa around 10pm Sunday night. We were so excited to meet him and he seemed very excited to be here. He also seemed exhausted.

After we picked up his bags and had them loaded into the car, I told him we had to take a few pictures. I told him that I took pictures a lot and he would get used to it. The drive home was fun. Even though he was wiped out from the long day of traveling, he asked a lot of questions about us and the things that we do. He asked a lot of questions about the fire department and said that he had read about the recent fires that we have had.

He also made a comment about the trees. He wasn't expecting to really see a lot of trees, and even though it was very dark outside, he could see that there were many trees along the road. Apparently he had researched about Oklahoma and the rolling plains and was not expecting the trees to be so plentiful. Once we got home,  he was ready to just go to bed. We pulled in the driveway and got out to unload his bags and after one breath we discovered that there was a skunk somewhere close... Welcome to Oklahoma Jimmy!

This afternoon he will be enrolling in the High School and he will start school tomorrow. This will be a fast pace and hectic week, but hopefully he will get settled in easily and can start enjoying his time here in Oklahoma.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

It's been a while!

Wow! I can not believe that I have not posted in over a year... I guess I sort of forgot :).

Well, Josh and I have officially been married for 5 years! August 11 was our anniversary. We celebrated by spending a week in Jamaica and it was wonderful. We spent a lot of time relaxing on the beach and watching the ocean.

While we were there we started talking about the possibility of having a Foreign exchange student come to stay with us. So, when we returned home I got on line and filled out the application. School started on the 20th here, and since that was the day I turned in the application I thought for sure that we would not be considered until next year. But, tonight we are going to pick up our student!! It was an extremely fast process, but we are very excited!

His name is Jimmy and he is from Germany. I have received a few e-mails from him over the last day or two and he seems very excited to get to Yale! Conner is a little skeptical and doesn't really understand the whole foreign exchange student concept, but I am sure he will be very happy to have a new friend once Jimmy arrives.

We are picking him up at the airport late tonight, so look for more posts in the near future!