Monday, January 24, 2011

Stupid Movies

Ok, I must say that I don't get the point of movies with toys that come to life (I am talking about Transformers, NOT Toy Story) or gross little people with one eye taking over the universe. Here I sit with a glass of wine and a piece of pizza on the couch beside my husband, who is controlling the remote. The movie he is watching is called "Clash of the Titans." Apparently they (who are "they??") are fighting Medusa... I obviously haven't watched close enough to really grasp what is going on. But it looks dumb to me. And those ugly little creatures are making me loose my appetite. Seriously, he thinks "Jersey Shore" is dumb, at least that is a show about mostly real (I same 'mostly' because I am sure a few of them are made up of some silicone parts) people... This is grossing me out! think I will eat the rest of my pizza in the bedroom!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Snow Days!!

Thursday morning I woke up to snow... If I drove something other than a Mustang, I would have headed to work. But I was stuck at home for the day. When I was in school, snow days were awesome because you got to stay home and do nothing all day. But, on this snow day, I got to work from home.

Conner woke up that morning and was super excited to be out of school. When his mom told him school was out he said, "I new wearing my pajamas inside out would work!!" Apparently the day before at school, one of his teachers told the entire kindergarten class that if they all wore their pajamas inside out that it would snow so much that they would have to let school out. When I talked to him on the phone later in the day, he told me all about how he "made" it snow so much that they had to let out school. He said my teacher told me to do it and " she is not a liar and she is super smart."

So I guess congratulations to the teacher that made an entire Kindergarten class think she is the smartest person on the planet! But I must say she would have had an angry mop of little kids after her if that snow storm would have missed this area!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Will this day ever end???

I feel like it should be 5:30 PM. Seriously, I got to work just before 8 this morning, and I think that my clock froze some time soon after that. How can it only be 10:30!! The Christmas Break was so nice. Conner stayed with me most of the two weeks and we had a lot of lazy fun. I wish we were off for another week. It was really sad after he left with his mom yesterday. The house was silent and I didn't really have anything to do. It really made me wish that I had a 6 year old!

I am sure everyone is in the same boat when is comes to not wanting to be at work. Not only is it a Monday, but I have been off for 2 weeks, and I feel like it flew by! Well, I guess it is time to saddle up and get back in the groove. Tax season will be gearing up in a few weeks and Mondays won't be an issue, because I will be spending Saturdays and Sundays at the office :).

Happy Monday!!