Sunday, September 2, 2012

Football, football, football!

Well, Jimmy survived his first weekend of American football! He experienced just about every level of football that Oklahoma has to offer. On Friday night, he didn't get to actually play in the high school game, but he wore his jersey and took stats with the other kids that couldn't play. We sat with him while he was taking stats. Josh had to leave for a little bit, so I took it upon myself to explain the game and the rules from beginning to end. I felt this was a completely appropriate job for me since I know so much about the game. I mean, sure I don't use the "official" terms for things, but I totally think that he now fully understands the game. I am sure the Yale coaches will appreciate my efforts when he knows all there is to know about high school football :). Unfortunately, the Bulldogs lost their season opener... Get 'em next time boys!

Jimmy also met Conner on Friday night. Conner went to the game with us, and as it turns out, they hit it off quite nice. I wasn't really surprised, Conner talks a big game, but really he likes everyone and is a pretty likable kid himself. He did make it a point to tell Jimmy that he was sleeping in his room, but Jimmy took it well.

Saturday morning was round 2... Conner and the blue jays had a flag football game in Jennings. There were a few Yale high school kids there, so Jimmy had some people his own age to talk to and hang out with. He seems to be settling in really well. Josh said a girl ran up to Jimmy when they got out of the truck and gave him a hug and grabbed his hand and pulled him off. I am glad he is fitting in so easily, but I have to admit when Josh told me this I had a tiny bit of parental fear run threw me. I guess I was experiencing the fine line between "I am glad he has friends" and "I wish he went to an all boys school." But Josh quickly told me to calm down... After Conners game we ate lunch and then it was time for Round 3...

Oklahoma State had their season opener Saturday night, and what a season opener it was! We knew that the game wouldn't be the greatest of the season, but Josh thought it would be a good time to explain in detail some of the rules of the game. I should have told him that I had already told Jimmy everything there was to know about football, but I didn't want to hurt Josh's feelings since he thinks he is the football expert of our family. So, I graciously gave up my ticket so the boys could go to the game and I went to work. I am sure their evening was way better than mine, but I am glad Jimmy got to experience the wonderfulness that is Oklahoma State University game day. He said it was awesome and OSU rocks and he doesn't know why this state even needs another university. OK, so he didn't say that last part, but he did say that he had an awesome time!

Josh and Jimmy at OSU's season opener

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