Friday, September 7, 2012

The day that Hornsby fell!

Well, the Drillers are in the playoffs! We decided to take Jimmy to his first ever baseball game, and what an eventful game it was!

Jimmy at the ball park
The first three innings were going good (Drillers - 6, Cardinals - 0). But after the third inning, it started to go down hill and the Cardinals started scoring and tied the game. This meant a 10th inning, which I wasn't super excited about because it was getting late, baseball isn't the most exciting sport to watch, and I was sticky and smelly (which I will explain later). In the end, we got to sit through an extra inning just to watch the Drillers loose it by 2.

So, to the sticky and smelly part... Josh was having a beer and a hot dog in the early part of the game, which I think is a very necessary part of the baseball experience, and Hornsby (the Drillers mascot) stood on the drillers dugout and started dancing to Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean." First, I guess I should explain that our season seats are in the front row behind the dugout... So we had the best seats in the house to watch Hornsby moon walk on the dugout. We were all sitting there laughing and watching when I noticed that Hornsby was getting extremely close to the edge of the dugout. But, I figured he has probably moon walked on the dugout about 5,229 times, so he knows by heart where the edges are. Well, I guess it must take 5,230 times to learn the edges of the dug out, because as I was thinking this thought, Hornsby fell off of the dugout and into Josh and I's laps! Luckily, he only fell on us and not the boys. He played it off really well and so did we. But, remember the beer that I mentioned??? Well, Josh and I were WEARING the beer... The whole glass... And Josh had ordered the dang tall boy... Literally, there was beer dripping off of me. Poor Hornsby felt so bad that he broke character and said "man, I am SO sorry." A Drillers employee rushed over and quickly assured us that we did NOT just hear Hornsby speak. Hornsby limped up the steps and offered us new beer and a clean shirt, which was really nice. But I think Hornsby really was hurt, because he didn't appear the rest of the game.

People around us kept telling us that we played it off really cool, but seriously what else could we have done? Yelled at poor hurt Hornsby and looked like jerks? It was just beer... Totally washable and it made a great ball park story for Jimmy's first trip to the ball park. But, next game, I think I will ask for a lid!

Hornsby at the other end of the dug out... Seconds before the fall
Josh with beer all over him (you can't tell by the pic, but his shorts are SOAKED

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