Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fun Filled Weekend #1!!

Well, Jimmy survived his first weekend in America! After all of the football on Friday and Saturday, Josh took him hunting on Sunday morning. I think that Jimmy thought the hanging out with the boys part was fun, but the waiting on the birds to fly in was boring... After they finished hunting, they had to clean the birds, which he was not into. He actually only watch the others clean birds and he said he didn't think that he would ever actually clean them himself. His description of them cleaning the birds was pretty funny.

Josh and Jimmy all camoed out

On Sunday afternoon, Jimmy and I headed to Tulsa to go to the mall. Since he was only able to bring a few clothes on the plane, he needed to get a few clothes. Josh thought that shopping was my department, so he and Conner stayed home and did some work on the tractor while Jimmy and I headed to Tulsa. We shopped until we dropped. We clothes shopped, shoe shopped, and cosmetic shopped (the cosmetics were for me). I had a good time!

Jimmy had said when he first arrived that he really liked golf. This was music to Josh's ears. Josh loves to play golf and he and I both have golf clubs, but I rarely have time to golf with him. So Monday morning the boys went golfing. I opted out of the golfing trip to get some things done at home (and to sleep in). The temperature reached over 100 degrees on Monday, but they still have a great time.

A few pictures of the 100 degree golf game!
Monday evening, we had a cookout at our house with some friends. Derek and Kirsten came and brought Jakob from Germany, who is staying with them this year. There was a lot of people, but we all had a great time. I had went shopping earlier in the day while the boys were golfing and had planned a menu of burgers and hot dogs, salad, coleslaw, chips, apple braid, strawberry shortcake, and Grandma Betty cake (AKA chocolate trifle for those of you who do not have the last name Green). After everyone left, Josh told me that the food was all really good, but we could have used some chips to go with the burgers. It was at this moment that I realized that I forgot to set out the 4 bags of chips that I had bought earlier in the day for the cookout. I HATE when I do things like that. But hopefully no one in attendance missed the chips to much, and if you did, feel free to come back over and pick up a bag. We are well supplied in chips for a while!

I think it was a great first weekend in America for Jimmy. Some at the cook out asked him if he was home sick and he said that he hadn't really had time to be homesick. He also said that he was really enjoying his time here, so I guess so far so good!

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