Thursday, December 16, 2010

I never had this problem before...

Robison, Roboson, Robinson...

This is what I now have to deal with every time I have to tell someone my last name. I NEVER had this problem when I was Shawna GREEN (just for the record, I still would be Shawna Green if it wasn't for my dad MAKING me change it). I could just say, "like the color" and everyone understood. Not anymore! Now, every time I say my name, I get "Robo, Robi, or Robin?" Just for the record, I probably wouldn't even notice or care if it was spelled wrong. But now, I when someone asks my last name I cringe. And heaven forbid that I have to give some one all three of my names! It becomes a 20 minute spelling bee! I really should be used to this by now. I have had the first two of my names for my whole life, and I have been a RobiNson for almost 2 years (we have been married for 3 1/2, but I resisted the change for a while). But this morning, when the lady on the phone asked my name and I had to spell the WHOLE thing, I really wanted to bang my head on an open stapler... Then when she asked where I grew up (I assume because of my first name) I considered jumping out the window. She really sounded shock when I told I was born and bred in Oklahoma. So, thanks mom (because I think you are responsible for the first 2 names), dad (because you made me change my last name to Robinson and said I couldn't drop Mariah and make myself Shawna Green Robinson), and Josh (for siding with my dad on the name change).

The boy named Sue never had this problem!!

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