Thursday, December 16, 2010

O Christmas Tree!!

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, The bulbs I bought are too big!!

Yes, that is right. I bought 3 1/2 inch bulbs for a little 6 foot Christmas tree. I bought them the day after Christmas last year and they were practically giving them away, so I bought them and never thought a second about the size issue. It just looks... like something is missing (like the rest of the tree). Josh thinks if we put some ribbon on it, it will fix it. He really likes the big bulbs. I am just not sure that our little tree can pull it off. I don't have much time to figure it out. The Robinson Christmas celebration starts 1 week from today...

My other Christmas tree issue... There is a little tree that I have that I put in front of the window. I pulled it out of the box last night (yes, I realize that I am running WAY behind on the decorating) and set it up on the stand. Conner started decorating it without fluffy the branches out. It looks like a sad little twig with decorations on it. He was completely finished and very proud of himself before I realized what he had done. I tried to convince him that we needed to fluff it out a little, but he was not buying it. He said if it was going in his room (he thinks our guest room is his room) then he could make it look however he wanted. So, now I have to take all the decorations off and fix it and HOPE that he doesn't notice.

Looks like it is Christmas Trees 2 --Shawna 0

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