Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More snow anyone??

Well, Oklahoma friends, get ready for round two! They are forecasting 8-12 inches in our area. I came to work today loaded with enough clothing to last the rest of the week... Which brings me to my rant...

I have not felt good all week and all week Josh has been saying that if I want to get to work on Wednesday, I should stay in Tulsa on Tuesday night. So, last night I pulled myself off of the couch and packed clothes for the week. I got mostly everything packed, but I knew there would be last minute stuff to throw in, so I left the suitcases out and went to bed. This morning I got up and 5:15 and got ready for work and finished packing. Josh woke up and was laying in bed watching the news. I still wasn't feeling great, but I told myself I could make it threw the day. I told Josh bye as I picked up the suitcase to leave. Now, I fully expected him to say "Let me help you with that," but instead he said "is that heavy?" from under the covers. I set the suitcase down and said "Yes, and I thought you would offer to carry it." He quickly got up to help, but informed me that if I want his help, I need to ask. We are past the stage of him offering...

I guess this isn't really a rant. He helped as soon as it became apparent that I wanted help. I guess I just shocked at how old we are. I mean, I always think of us as a young newly wed couple that tip-toes around each other. But, in fact, we are a not so young married couple and we don't cover up our flaws in front of each other. We are definitely out of the "newly wed" stage.

So, anyway, I guess we will be getting 8-12 more inches of snow tonight and tomorrow. I am guess I will be home bound tomorrow, because, after I spent all of that energy packing, I really feel like crap and just want to go home, crawl under my own covers, and sleep until it is finished snowing...

Stay warm!!

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