Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow Day X4!!

I can hardly believe the amount of snow that came down upon us over the past week. It was literally record breaking! I was going to go to Tulsa Monday night and stay so that I could get to work, but at the last minute, I decided to stay home and chance it... It turned out to be a good choice, since work was closed Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

On Tuesday, it seemed like the storm was going to take us down. The morning was started by the phone call from work saying the office was officially closed. It was downhill from there. Josh's 4-wheel drive went out in his truck and he hit a cattle guard. Luckily, he was able to get the farm truck and head back to work. I went with him to feed and check cows that afternoon. The hydraulics on the round bale spike was cold and he had to be worked on, but he got it working. We were in a pasture a few miles from the house and the truck died... and it would not start. I actually panicked a little. It was still snowing and blowing and I was thinking about the long walk back to the house in it. Josh called my dad and he told us how to fix it. So, we got the cows taken care of and headed home. I swore that we weren't leaving again, but later I wanted some peanut M&M's and we wanted to go see Craig and Brandy. As we pulled in the gas station, the stupid gas pedal stuck and we almost crashed. Josh turned the truck off really fast and was able to get the gas pedal fixed.... We went about our night and made it home safely.

So, that was our first day in the snow. The other days were not as eventful, mainly because I stayed home and cooked and cleaned. I figured that was the safest.

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